Posted by: | July 19, 2010

Letting Your Inhibitions Go as an Actor

Audiences respond to one of two triggers: The Unexpected and The Common Experience. Both of these triggers are best expressed when your guard is let down. Here’s what I mean. Admitting to the fact that you pick your nose on the way to work is going to get a laugh. Some will be laughing at you because they didn’t expect it (and they pick their noses in the privacy of their own bathroom) and others will laugh with you because they do the same thing but were keeping it quiet. Everyday, people are playing to social norms and expectations. You stand out when you let go of those inhibitions and explore your creative freedom. Vulnerability and spontaneity can inform this freedom and help set you apart from the rest of the bloggers in your niche.

Posted by: | July 7, 2010

7 Steps to Becoming a Model

  • Step 1

    Consider your physical characteristics: Are you 5-foot-7 or taller? You should wear a size 4 to 6, and you should have a 32- to 35-inch bust, a 22- to 25-inch waist, and 33- to 36-inch hips.

  • Step 2

    Determine whether you have any distinctive features.

  • Step 3

    Work on having clear skin, healthy hair and straight teeth.

  • Step 4

    Consider your mental attitude: You should be ambitious, confident, organized, willing to travel or move to foreign cities, able to spend and invest wisely and able to take rejection.

  • Step 5

    Visit local modeling agencies to find an agent willing to help you build a portfolio.

  • Step 6

    Go to castings and “go-sees” with your portfolio in hand to win potential clients and get modeling jobs.

  • Step 7

    Be prompt and professional. Exhibit the confidence that you will use to sell products.

  • Posted by: | June 29, 2010

    Expert advice

    Whether it’s a search for the right shoes or what to wear…

    I regularly receive letters from readers asking for style advice — although sadly I’m unable to share a rather personal e-mail last week from a woman inquiring about thongs and personal grooming. That letter was not fit for publication, but these are. Feel free to send along your questions if you find yourself in a sartorial quandary you’d like to share.

    Q. I can no longer wear shoes with even a modest heel (seriously pronated ankles, plus a spinal cord injury that affects my balance). My legs are shapely and I look good in dresses and skirts, and I’m getting tired of wearing slacks all the time. Add to this a very modest budget for clothing. Given these limitations, how can I work with them to look great when I need to dress up for professional or social events? I’ve tried cheap, funky shoes and expensive ballet flats and loafers, but have not yet found a solution that doesn’t somehow call attention to the problem. I am now just going in circles and getting dressed is not fun anymore. I would very much appreciate your thoughts. I suspect that others in may be having the same problem. SUSAN

    A. Since my expertise in recommending shoes is generally restricted to style and not comfort, I turned to a shoe designer and a self-professed shoe expert, Meghan Cleary ( Her advice to you, believe it or not, is ballroom dance shoes.

    “I have found ballroom dance shoes to be an excellent solution for seriously challenged feet and ordering one size up may account for your orthopedics as well. The reason for this is that the materials are created for extreme flexibility, and the architecture of the shoes is created not to slip off during wild dance moves — thus making them very secure shoes and very comfortable shoes — while at the same time very cute. The only downside is that they are indeed pricey, anywhere from $87 to $200 and upward for a pair. However, as an investment shoe it might be a solution for dressy events. I would probably take them to a shoe repair shop and get a very thin rubber sole put on the bottom as the very soft leather used in these can wear very quickly on city streets.’’

    Q. I recall a column that you wrote a few years ago on what not to wear overseas to avoid looking like an obvious American tourist (as I recall, no chinos and don’t dress like you’re going to a pick-up basketball game). I have an opportunity to visit my niece in Paris and wonder what I should wear to be reasonably stylish. I’m not a fashionista, but not tourista either. I’m of moderate build, and my casual dress normally looks like I stepped off a yacht (polos, sweaters, Topsiders, etc. Ralph Lauren would be proud). What do you recommend, head to toe, especially footgear? PETER

    A. You’re on the right path — especially if you’re reading my sage advice about what not to wear. My suggestion for anyone traveling in Europe is less casual clothing, more fitted shirts. Fitted does not mean tight, it means well-tailored. Don’t be afraid to go outside your US comfort zone. It goes without saying that you should leave your Crocs at home. Actually, you should toss them in the trash before you board the plane. But I decided to ask an honest-to-goodness European about your attire. Nick Sullivan, the Brit-born fashion director of Esquire, had this to say:

    “The first thing I’d say is don’t dress like you just stepped off a yacht,’’ Sullivan advises. “It doesn’t travel all that well. I’m reminded of that guy from ‘Gilligan’s Island.’ What was his name? Thurston Howell III? I don’t think most people in France have seen that program. So the number one rule when you go to Europe is to wear clothes that fit a lot closer, whether it’s casual clothes, whether it’s jeans, or whether it’s T-shirts. The way that people make casual clothes look dressed up in mainland Europe is a life lesson for everybody. If you’re going to change your footwear, there’s nothing wrong with wearing a nicely worn pair of white bucks, or beige bucks. You could wear them with chinos or you could wear with jeans.’’ But the bottom line, my yachting friend, is to stay with fitted clothing. Blazers are great, but leave the navy blazer with the brass buttons as home. Dark colors are always a safe bet, and if you insist on wearing your Topsiders, make sure they’re well-worn and not freshly out of the box.

    Source: Boston Globe

    stock image

    Posted by: | June 29, 2010

    Own the Runway

    There are many different types of models, but many of the top and most popular models today made their mark on the runway. Most supermodels like Gisele Bundchen, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista, Petra Nemcova and many - runway modelhers have in one way or another graced the runways of Milan, New York, Madrid, Paris and other major cities during fashion shows. The runway, so to speak, is where their careers actually took off, modeling creations by some of the world’s most famous fashion designers.

    But runway modeling is not a walk in the park. There are a number of things that a person must keep in mind whenever he or she takes to the runway, because small things as to how your posture is or how you move your arms can spell the difference between success and failure in the highly competitive world of runway modeling.

    Your shoulders, for instance, should not move while you’re walking. As much as possible, keep them still. Then there’s your arms. While all a male model has to do is just swing his arms naturally, a woman would do well to focus on keeping her upper arms close to her body so that her arms will swing more from the elbows down. male modelWhen walking, a female runway model must take longer strides, and walk with one foot in front of the other because this gives your hips a natural swinging motion. Men, meanwhile, just have to walk normally, only with longer strides.

    Now being on the runway means that there are countless pairs of eyes set on you. This is nerve-wracking for many, but most models deal with it by focusing their eyes straight ahead of them, giving them that staring-off-into-the-distance look. Just remember not to stare into the glare of all the lights that will surely be on you, or you might just be blinded enough to step right off the runway’s ledge.

    Models must be oozing with confidence, but a hunching model looks anything but a supremely confident person, so it is important that a model should always stand straight up, on and off the runway.

    These tips may prove to be useful, but nothing could be more useful than seeing the pros in action and trying to pick up something about the way they move on the runway. Taping a fashion show is a mighty good idea, because it gives you a chance to watch your favorite supermodels do their thing on the runway over and over again. Who knows, you just might pick up a thing or two that could make you the next Kate Moss or Gisele Bundchen.

    Posted by: | June 24, 2010

    Golf Balls, Not Cameras

    PLYMOUTH — To borrow and tweak a phrase from Mark Twain, reports of the demise of Waverly Oaks Golf Club have been greatly exaggerated.

    Instead of being bulldozed and replaced by construction on the East Coast’s largest film and television studio complex, as many assumed near the end of 2009, Waverly Oaks reopened last Thursday, taking full advantage of spring-like weather and getting a jump, like many other area courses, on the new season.

    For the foreseeable future at Waverly Oaks, “cut!’’ won’t have anything to do with the movie-making business; it will only be heard when a righthanded golfer begs his ball to slide right, or a lefthander implores his to turn left. Until the complicated business deal with the studio can be finalized, there’s golf to be played at Waverly Oaks, a fun, friendly course that has won its share of awards and more than its share of admirers.

    “I played there Sunday. I’m loving the fact they’re still open,’’ said Don Follett of Marshfield, who played his first round at Waverly Oaks the day the course opened in 1998. “I’ll play there until they kick me out. I’d hate to see it end, because I’ve been there for so long. I know everybody: the wait staff, the bartenders, the people in the golf shop, the rangers. I’d miss it.’’

    Plymouth Rock Studios entered into an agreement with Mark Ridder in July 2008 to purchase the 242-acre site and transform it into Hollywood East. Just as rumors of sale price and closing dates started… (more from

    Posted by: | June 24, 2010

    How to Strike a Pose

    It’s a common misconception that naturally beautiful models take naturally beautiful photographs. The truth is—without modeling poses and modeling tips, perfect photographs are harder than you think.

    If you are a professional model, a photographer will most likely guide you through a variety of model poses throughout the photo shoot. But if you are an inspiring model and are still working your way up to the top—you may have to control your poses to ensure great headshots and sample modeling photographs.

    Live show models, promo models, photographic models, and runway models all rely on professional model poses to succeed. Whether you aspire to appear in print magazines or fashion shows and Hollywood movies; if you want to be a model, pay special attention to this insider guide to modeling poses.

    Although sometimes concentration enhances a good photograph, obvious concentration can distract and often ruin a good photograph as well. Do not hold your breath for a modeling pose; always remember to breathe and appear at ease.

    Bad posture is an unrecognized flaw in many people. However, for models, posture is a harmful flaw. Always remember to keep your back straight and your shoulders up. Slouching affects the mood of the photograph and enlarges the appearances of your stomach. In addition to your back and shoulders, always remember to flex your stomach muscles. Despite your weight or state of shape, your abdomen will appear more toned if you flex.

    Symmetry is officially out in the modeling world. When posing, make sure to differentiate your arms and legs with asymmetrical poses. If you have one arm long and straight by your side, make sure the other arm is bent. Whether a big or small angle, the bend will make the modeling pose look more real, less artificial. Continue the asymmetry to your legs. If one leg is locked straight, give the other leg a casual bend.

    Although the camera is the ultimate focal point of a modeling photo shoot, great models do not look directly into the camera. To enhance the quality of your photo shoot, look away from the camera with a mix of head and eye poses. Looking off to the right or left side, or tiling your neck to either side can help you avoid direct eye contact with the camera. In many cases, your head and neck can remain stationary in your modeling pose—and your eyes can do all the work. Head and eye positions, coupled with personable facial expressions make for great model poses.

    Sitting Poses
    If you are sitting down during your photo shoot—don’t think it’s ok to slack off. In fact, sitting photo shoots require a lot of extra work. If you are sitting down or reclining, it’s important to put your eight on the back of one thigh, rather than distributing your weight equally on both thighs. If you roll one hip up from the ground or surface, shifting your weight will be simple. This pose results in a slimming effect that you don’t want to miss out on.

    To make sure your best assets shine, there are a few basic guidelines to follow. Based on two distinct poses, a forward lean and a backward lean, any model with any breast size can maximize cleavage. When leaning forward, either bring your arms together at your waist, keep your arms straight at the elbows and clasp your hands together below your waist, or simply cross your arms. When leaning backward, raise your arms about your shoulders and head, keep your arms apart, and always slouch for the best cleavage results.

    If you have a naturally beautiful smile—show your pearly whites with pride, just not every time. If you smile in each modeling pose, modeling agents will notice your lack of versatility, not your smile. To add variety to your modeling poses, try switching up your smile with a cute frown, a bratty bout, a friendly laugh, or even an edgy scowl. Your facial expressions can make or break your modeling poses. Let your smile show, but make sure to show what else you can do.

    In addition to these personalized tips for modeling poses, every model should be aware of the basics of posing. There are 4 main types of model poses: lifestyle pose, movement pose, portrait pose, and body pose.

    The lifestyle pose evokes a sense of everyday living with common body movements and facial expressions. Throughout the day, moments of happiness, love, anger, and hope arise. To succeed at the lifestyle pose, each model must be able to recreate these everyday emotions.

    The movement pose captures a specific action, such as running or jumping. Because this pose is most often used for a marketing photo shoot—the model is used to promote a product. Each model must be able to smile and laugh when using the products in the photo shoot.

    This modeling pose emphasizes the face of the model—and relies purely on facial features. The model will be in modest makeup and relaxed hair and should pose with a casual, genuine smile. Many portrait photographs are close up and emphasize details of the model’s face. If you are scheduled for a portrait photo shoot, make sure to pay extra attention to your skin and drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day.

    Full-length photographs require body poses. Models are encouraged to shift weight between hips and make arms and lengths into asymmetrical stances. Although many body poses do not require specific facial expressions, putting your entire body into character during full-length poses helps your body find a natural balance.

    Keep these insider model posing tips in mind during your next professional model photo shoot to ensure you blow the photographer away. Whether you’re a trained expert or an ambitious beginner, all models have the ability to excel in photo shoots. Focus on your posture, attitude, and facial expressions to succeed beyond your wildest expectations.

    Posted by: | June 18, 2010

    Beauty and the beach

    By Hayley Kaufman

    The sun, the air, the sand — who doesn’t love the beach? Well, between the schlepping and the prepping, quite a few of us. To help you make the most of your upcoming visits to the shore (and keep you looking chic while you’re there), we’ve collected a bevy of sunny must-haves. Now, just find the perfect beach read, and you’re ready for anything. Even sand.

    Smooth operator Biggest drawback of bathing-suit weather: revealing one’s thighs after months under wraps. Can a skincare product made with caffeine, coffee seed oil, and shea butter help firm things up? Here’s hoping. DermaFirm corrective lotion, $97, available at


    Posted by: | June 18, 2010

    Knots ready for prime time

    With spikes and studs, local designers reimagine the bow tie

    Bruce Franklin and Christopher Bennett have designed almost a dozen styles of unapologetically over-the-top bow ties as the inaugural line for their label, Robot & Brucling.

    Reimagining the bow tie


    Posted by: | June 16, 2010

    Love Love


    LOVE Magazine’s new site is up and it’s a refreshing breather from so many of the stuffy fashion/magazine websites.

    LOVE’s Editor-in-Chief Katie Grand worked with freelance art director Jonny Lu to create the unconventional melange of images and ideas. LOVE explains how the homepage came about:

    “Lu made the animation of the sleeping bear from a life size Marc Jacobs Steiff teddy bear that Grand sent to his studio. The cute animal icons respond when a dancing bear cursor moves across them; Lu will be adding more, with a floating boombox playing The Man I Love by Ella Fitzgerald, that is very 50s and romantic, in contrast to the technology of the site.”

    Obviously, all this adorableness wouldn’t work if there wasn’t the visionary Ms. Grand behind it driving the site.  Currently, there’s an exclusive film for Commes des Garçons new fragrance on the site, clips from a James Lima/Grand film for Louis Vuitton,  reports from VS Angel Alessandra Ambrosio and much more fashion fabulousness to come.

    Next for LOVE? An iPad ready format. Better make sure it’s encased in its LV/Gucci iPad cover.


    Posted by: | June 16, 2010

    CFDA Darlings

    CFDA festivities were a whirlwind for winners like Marc Jacobs and Rag and Bone, but the real battle was on the red carpet, with actress and models all vying for best dressed. With fashion’s finest in attendance and the eyes of the world watching competition was high, but these were just a cut above the rest; here are a few of our favorite looks from the night, be sure to tell us who you thought was best dressed in the comments!

    All Images courtesy of Style.comJoan Smalls in Prabal Gurung dress, Monique Péan jewelryAll Images courtesy of

    All Images courtesy of

    Heidi Mount in Prabal Garung, with the designer

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